What company offers same day luggage delivery in Paris ?

Alfred is a luggage concierge company specialised in making first and last day of international travellers amazing.

Did you know that 9 millions people visit Paris and at least 50% of them waste half of their first and last day of travel because of their luggage ? No one wants to be burden by their bags, store them in one place, having to come back for them instead of exploring the city.

Alfred Offers Same day luggage delivery in Paris

The first service developed by Alfred is a same day pickup and delivery, luggage service. We operate in all Paris airport (Charles de Gaulle, Orly or Beauvais), train Stations, city center and main touristic areas like Disneyland or Versailles.

The different offers from same day luggage delivery

Alfred offers two main types of service: International travellers (standard price and insurance coverage) or VIP travellers.

Depending on your needs, check-out our booking page to know what fits your needs best.

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